- Mary C. Howse ES
- After School Athletics
Grade 4 & 5 After School Sports Contract
WCASD requires Activity Fee payment for Intramurals: Please go to WCASD Homepage, left-hand side under QUICK LINKS: Activity Fee Information/Activity Fee & Payment Info. One fee covers all Elementary Activites Grades 3-4-5.
-Schoolwork counts: If I am not doing the best that I can in my subjects, I will not participate until I am consistently fulfilling my responsibilities as a student.
-Behavior Counts: RESPECT/RESPONSIBILITY/SAFETY are the expectations for the choices I make. If I am not able to follow the expectations, I will not be participating in “Sports” until I am invited back by Mrs. McGinley.
- “Sports” is over at 4:50: I will be out on the sidewalk with all my belongings looking for the car of the adult giving me a ride home. I will safely get in the car from the sidewalk/building side of the car. Prompt pick up is expected each week.
- My family and I have checked the schedule: We know which days I have “Sports” and I will not ask to call home to find out if I am staying for “Sports” that day.
- My attitude will always be positive: I will maintain a positive attitude while participating in “Sports”. I will help my fellow athletes and try my best. I know that any displays of a negative demeanor will result in my leaving the “Sports” program until I am able to exhibit good sportsmanship.
* Students may start sports at any time and may participate according to interest and/or in compliance with your family schedule...in other words, students are not required to attend every session
By signing this contract I agree to all of the information listed above.
Student name: ___________________________ Grade: _______Parent/Guardian signature: _____________________________________
Parent/Guardian E-Mail Address _________________________________
Contact #(at time of pick-up): 1. ______________ 2. ______________