G.A. Stetson Middle School

Principal: Mary Kay Puchalla

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  • Today Stetson students had the opportunity to listen Stetson parent and community member, Mr. Jon Cleck, talk about his experience in the Navy SEALS.

    The presentation featured his experiences with people and governments around the world during his deployments as well as the sacrifices of service men and women.

    We are incredibly thankful for all of our veterans and the sacrifices they have made while serving our country!

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    Fall 2024 Conferences

    Middle school conferences are designed to support students facing academic challenges. Teacher teams will select students who they believe would benefit from a conference. Following this selection, counselors will contact parents to arrange these meetings.


    If parents do not receive an invitation for a conference from the school, they can request one starting after November 15th. Parents should contact the appropriate grade level counselor to set up a conference with your child’s team of teachers.

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  • Check out when students in Technology Education classes asked leading experts in the fields of ask nuclear and hydropower energy questions related to their concerns about the energy sources.

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