Health Services

  • PWE School Nurse: Amy Becker RN, MSN, CSN | contact information: 484-266-1906 or email:

    At Penn Wood, parents/guardians are encouraged to communicate directly with the nurse regarding any health concerns, both acute and chronic, that may impact their student’s school day.

    When to stay home or be sent home

    1. Students with temperatures of 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit and above are to be kept home or sent home. And must be fever free for 24 hours WITHOUT fever-reducing medications (acetaminophen and/or ibuprofen) in order to return to school.

    1. Students with persistent and /or witnessed vomiting should be kept home or sent home. The child should be 24 hours without vomiting to return to school.

    1. Students with any communicable disease or suspected communicable disease should be kept or sent home. Communicable disease is defined as an illness which is capable of being spread to a susceptible person through the direct or indirect transmission of an infectious agent (aka. GERM) Including but not limited to, Flu, Covid, untreated Strep, untreated pick eye.

    2. For ALL covid infections please refer to your primary care physician for guidance.

    3. Please alert staff if your child has been exposed to chicken pox, head lice, or any other communicable diseases.


    To protect our students with allergies, the following measures are followed:

      • We prohibit students from sharing food with one another at snack time or in the cafeteria.
      • For classroom celebrations: ALL FOOD PRE PACKAGED/ NO HOMEMADE TREATS, parents of students with food allergies may send in alternative treats for their child.
      • No latex balloons are permitted at school.
    • If your physician prescribes emergency medication for your child, the medication must be stored in the Health Office; the district Allergy Action Plan is required.


    WCASD is prohibited by law from allowing children to enter school without evidence of complete age-appropriate immunizations. Any student without complete immunizations will be excluded from school after 5 days.

    Exemptions are permitted for medical reasons and religious beliefs. Medical exemptions must be documented by a physician. If your child is exempt from immunizations, he/she will be excluded from school during any outbreak of a vaccine-covered disease.