
  • Safe Arrival is a program that ensures that your child arrives to school safely. You call 484-266-1810 the morning of your child's absence. In case your child has been marked absent and no phone call was received, someone from the office will notify you at the number you have provided to verify that your child is indeed absent.

    School Hours9:10 a.m. - 3:40 p.m. Children cannot be dropped off at school before the "official" District drop-off time of 8:30 a.m.

    PICKUP PATROL – PickUP Patrol (PUP) is used for reporting student absences along with any changes in your child's normal dismissal plan. If your child will be absent, please enter that information into PUP by 9am. To do this, go into the PUP app, click on the PLAN icon, and use the dropdown menu to choose ABSENT, and add the reason in the box below. This will be your child's excuse note.

    The front doors to the school will be locked at all times. There is a doorbell located on the right side of the entrance (signs are posted). You need to ring the doorbell and wait to be let in by our office staff. The door that will be opened for you is the one on the far right of the main entrance.

    In the interest of building security and your child's safety, ALL classrooms will be locked a the end of the school day. This may make it difficult to retrieve books and materials that are forgotten at school. Remind students of the importance of packing up everything they need for homework assignments. This is an excellent opportunity for children to practice responsibility and independence!


WCASD Attendance Guidelines

  • When your student has ten (10) consecutive days of unlawful absence: Unless the district has been provided with evidence that the absence may be legally excused or the district is pursuing compulsory attendance prosecution, a student will be dropped from the district's active attendance roll after ten (10) consecutive school days of absence. Removal from the district’s active attendance roll does not remove the person in parental relations’ compulsory attendance obligations for a student of compulsory attendance age. The district will comply with state and federal law when disenrolling a student with an IEP.

    1. Where the district is made aware that the family will be taking a prolonged trip exceeding the use of the allowable fifteen (15) parent notes, the student will be withdrawn from the district.
    2. When a student is dropped from the district’s attendance roll, or withdrawn from the district, and subsequently re-enrolls in the district during the same school year, absences prior to un-enrollment will be cumulative with absences after re-enrollment. For example, if all parental excused absences were utilized prior to withdrawal, the student will not have additional parental excused absences after re-enrollment during the same school year.