Procedure for Dismissal

  • Students riding home in private vehicles

    To assure student safety and more efficient bus traffic flow, the following procedure is being implemented for students riding home in private vehicles. Thanks for your support!

    1. Parents are required to provide written notification to the school about intent to transport their children home in a private vehicle or to arrange for dismissal outside the hours of the usual school day. Please note: Office staff will be unable to guarantee such arrangements made by phone. As always, bus transportation is encouraged.

    2. Students being transported home in a private vehicle by a parent or another authorized person (written authorization only) will gather in the Atrium at dismissal time. Staff members will provide Atrium supervision.

    3. The carline number system is no longer in effect. Instead, parents will park vehicles in available parking spaces in the parking lot and assemble at the outside Kindergarten Entrance area (Route 202 side) for sign out. Staff members will greet parents at this entrance and manage sign-out process.

    4. Parents need not enter the building, since students will be dismissed from Atrium to meet parents at the Kindergarten Entrance area.


  • To preserve a productive learning environment, while attending to safety and comfort the following guidelines form the basis for the school dress code:

    Acceptable clothing:

    • provides full coverage for the midriff (no tank tops or short shirts) and back
    • does not include pants that drag below the heel, posing a hazard when walking/running
    • does not include open toe shoes, sandals or platform or high heel shoes that are unsafe recess and physical education attire
    • includes shorts, skirts and dresses that fall at fingertip length or longer when standing.
    • includes tee shirts and other attire displaying only positive messages

    Please note that parents will be notified if their child arrives at school wearing inappropriate clothing. Thanks in advance for your support!