Safe Arrival


    Safe Arrival Program Number


    Whenever your child is absent or will be late, please call the Safe Arrival Program Number.

    We ask that you call the Safe Arrival Number rather than the main office number. Please call between 7:00 p.m. and 8:30 a.m. and leave a message including:

                                        Child's Name



                                        Reason for the Absence

                                        Date(s) of the Absence


    In addition, as always, when returning to school children must have a written excuse. The above number is to be used only for absences.

    If your child's name is on the absentee list, and we have NOT received a message from you, the phone number on your Safe Arrival card will be called. If we are not able to reach someone at the number we will use the information from the child's emergency card to contact you. The Safe Arrival Program provides reassurance to you and the school staff that your child has arrived safely or is absent with a valid reason.