
  • Ms. Sarah Kadis, Guidance Counselor

    Welcome to Starkweather! My name is Ms. Sarah Kadis and I have been the guidance counselor at Starkweather since 2004. Before coming to Starkweather I received my BA from Albright College. I then attended West Chester University where I received my M.Ed in Elementary School Counseling. It is my job to work with students and parents to help guide students’ academic, behavioral, and social growth. I love working with students to help them achieve their personal best in school!

    My role at Starkweather:
    I am an advocate for students. I speak to students individually. Students may either refer themselves or their teachers/and or parents may refer a student. My office is located in between the nurse’s office and the teacher’s mailroom. Parents can reach me by phone at (484) 266-2211 or by emailing me at I also run small groups, have lunch with students, conduct classroom developmental guidance lessons, and collaborate with teachers and parents on a daily basis.

    Parent Library:
    I have the following books available for parent check out. Please contact me if you are interested in the following:

    • Raising A Self Disciplined Child (Brooks & Goldstein)
    • A Parent’s Guide to Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism (Ozonoff, Dawson & McPartland)
    • Try and Make Me! (Levy &O’Hanlon)
    • Love and Login: From Innocence to Entitlement (Fay & Billings)
    • The Challenging Child (Greenspan) 
    • From Chaos to Calm: Effective Parenting of Challenging Children with ADHD and Other Behavioral Problems (Heininger & Weiss) 
    • 10 Days to a Less Defiant Child (Bernstein)
    • How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk (Faber & Mazlish)