2024-25 Student Parking Registration

  • To complete the RHS Student Parking Application, please complete these 3 steps:

    1. Download and sign the Parking and Driving Regulations form
    2. Upload the Parking and Driving Regulations form, a copy of your valid insurance card, and student driver’s license using the RHS Student Parking Application 2024-2025 Google Form.
    3. Pay the $70 fee through Payschools (NOT AVAILABLE UNTIL JULY 25) or by check. Make checks payable to WCASD. Checks can be mailed or dropped off at Rustin’s Main Office. 

    Students with completed applications (Student Parking Online Application, Insurance card, picture of the student's valid driver's license, and payment made) may pick up their 2024-2025 tag beginning August 19, 2024.


    1. Students may park in any numbered parking space in their assigned lot (senior or junior lot). Students are assigned to a parking lot by grade level, there are no individual assigned parking spaces. Seniors may park in any numbered space in the lower senior lot, auditorium lot and cafeteria lot. Senior overflow parking will be in the stadium lot. Juniors may park in the stadium lot only. 
    2. Any unsold parking passes will be assigned on a first come/first served basis except as set forth herein. At the start of the second semester, the parking fee will be $35.
    3. Juniors may not carpool with seniors and park in the senior lot.
    4. All student vehicles driven and parked on school grounds must be registered with the school and have a current hang tag properly displayed.
    5. All student drivers must be licensed with valid vehicle registration and current insurance coverage. 
    6. The school is not responsible for the vehicles or their contents.
    7. The administration reserves the right to search vehicles parked on campus when there is reasonable cause to do so.
    8. Students are NOT to park in staff parking lots, handicapped spaces, fire lanes, visitor parking spaces, walkways, or unnumbered parking spaces. 
    9. Regardless of weather conditions, students may park ONLY in their designated parking lot.  On snowy days, parking is more limited than normal.  As a result, students are advised to use alternate transportation (bus or drop-off).
    10. Students who drive to school and travel from/to Work Study, Allied Health, Education Practicum or TCHS must notify the school office so special parking privileges can be arranged. When the demand for student parking exceeds available student parking spots, priority will be given to students participating in these programs.
    11. Students are to abide by the school property speed limit of fifteen (15) miles per hour and all traffic signals/signs.
    12. Loitering in any RHS parking lot during school hours is not permitted.  Students are not permitted to visit cars or the parking lot during school hours without approval from an administrator.
    13. Throughout the school year, events may occur during the school day that require extra visitor parking.  For these events, senior parking will be reassigned to the stadium or grass fields.
    14. Students are not to drive their vehicles from school grounds until the end of the school day unless traveling from/to Work Study, Allied Health, Education Practicum or TCHS.
    15. Students may not share or sell a parking hang tag. Student risk revocation of parking privileges and disciplinary action if tags are shared or sold. 
    16. Students with outstanding school obligations will not be permitted to apply for a parking permit.
    17. Student violation of school parking/driving regulations will result in the following disciplinary action: First offense-warning, Second offense-detention, Third offense-Saturday School, Fourth offense-loss of driving privileges.  If revoked, the hang tag must be returned to the main office without refund of parking fees