Henderson HS Attendance Procedures

  • Henderson High School Attendance Procedures


    Reporting Absences

    If you are reporting your student absent, please email Stephanie Price at hhsattendance@wcasd.net. Provide the student’s name, date, and reason for the absence.  A parent email or doctor excuse note must be returned within 3 days of the student returning to school. If an excuse note is not received within the 3 days of returning they will be marked as unexcused or unlawful.  If you have further questions or concerns with your student’s attendance, please call (484)266-3318.


    Early Dismissal

    If your student needs to leave early from school, please email hhsattendance@wcasd.net so that we can make teachers aware.  These emails must be sent from a parent’s email address listed in our files.  The email should include the student’s name, date, requested dismissal time, reason for dismissal, and if they are returning.  The student will then come to the office and be given a pass to leave the building at the designated time.  Early dismissals can only be excused if we receive a doctor excuse note.


    Lateness to School

    Lateness to school can only be excused for these reasons.

    1. Doctor Appointment
    2. Court Appearance 
    3. Funeral


    Students who arrive late to school due to one of these reasons, must send in documentation to excuse the lateness. All other reasons given for being late to school are not excused. Every time a student accumulates 8 unlawful late arrivals to school, a late room shall be assigned. The number of unlawful late arrivals to school will be reset each semester.


    Family Vacation

    The family vacation form is found on the HHS website and must be signed by each of the student’s teachers and turned into the attendance office a week before the trip for administrator approval.  There is a maximum of 5 days per year. Once this form is complete, a family vacation code will be entered into your student’s attendance for the dates approved.

    Family Vacation Form 

    College Visit

    College visits are non-cumulative absences and can be excused if documentation is sent into the attendance office. Accepted forms of proof are an email from the college that states the date of the tour, a dated parking pass from the college from the day of the visit, or a letter from the college admission office.  Travel days are not excused but can be marked as parent excuse codes.


    Absences are recognized as Cumulative or Non-Cumulative


    Cumulative Absences & Early Dismissals Include:

    Parent Excuse (PN) -10 days for the school year

    Family Vacation (FV)- maximum of 5 days per year- Student must have a family vacation form completed and administrator approval prior to the trip

    Unlawful Absence (LAW)- Absence for students 17 and under

    Unexcused Absence (UNX)- Absence for students 18 and older

    Unexcused Early Dismissal (UED)- Student has an early dismissal and a doctor excuse note has not been handed in


    Non-Cumulative Absences Include:

    Doctor’s Appointment (DN)

    College Visit (CV)

    Religious Holiday (RH)

    Nurse Dismissal (NN/NE)

    Death in Family (DE)

    External Suspension (SUS)

    School Activity (ACT)

Attendance Information