* All email addresses are the staff member's username followed by @wcasd.net

Teaching Staff

  • APT

    Ms. Sarah Shapard, email: sshapard
    Ms. Maureen Corr, email: mcorr


    Ms. Nicole Hartman, email: nhartman
    Ms. Alexa Leggett, email: aleggett
    Ms. Annie Seagraves, email: aseagraves
    Ms. Nicole Snider, email: nsnider


    Mr. Dan Shoup, email: dshoup
    Mr. Lucas Van Emburg, email: lvanemburg


    Ms. Joan Hohwald, email: jhohwald


    Ms. Erika Litofsky, email:  elitofsky
    Ms. Christina Salazar, email: csalazar
    Ms. Kim Stover, email: kstover


    Ms. Brenda Florence, email: bflorence
    Ms. Jennifer Kapanjie, email: jkapanjie
    Ms. Cathy Logothetis, email: clogothetis


    Ms. Jennifer Rose, email: jrose


    Mr. Andrew Berkes, email: aberkes
    Mr. Jeff Bott, email: jbott
    Mr. Kevin Kelly, email: kkelly1
    Ms. Whitney McClintock, email: wmcclintock
    Ms. Lauren Mullen, email: lmullen
    Ms. Jen Ronayne, email: jronayne
    Mr. Peter Sok, email: psok
    Mr. Bradley Treadway, email btreadway 


    Ms. Laura Fredd-Maxwell, email: lfredd-maxwell


    Mr. William Anderson, email: wanderson 
    Mr. Ken Blythe, email: Kblythe
    Ms. Natalie Cardamone, email: ncardamone
    Ms. Katie Clark, email: kclark1
    Mr. Charlie Clay, email: cclay
    Ms. Meghan Crisafulli: email: mcrisafulli
    Mr. Sean Fash, email: sfash
    Ms. Heidi Fliegelman, email: hfliegelman  
    Mr. Brian Johnson, email: bjohnson2
    Ms. Tara Peracchia, email: tperacchia
    Mr. Ed Pierce, email: epierce
    Ms. Alicia Ritz, email: aritz
    Mr. Marc Umile, email: mumile


    Ms. Renee Vandergast, email: rvandergast


    Ms. Kelsey Beck, email: kbeck
    Ms. Jen Fisher, email: jfisher4
    Ms. Erin Gillespie, email: egillespie
    Ms. Joan Hohwald, email: jhohwald
    Ms. Taegan Larcombe, email: tlarcombe
    Mr. Bob Marks, email: rmarks
    Mr. Jon Mazzio, email: jmazzio 
    Ms. Lauren McCormick, email: lmccormick
    Ms. Marie McDevitt, email: mmcdevitt
    Mr. Billy Mitchell, email: bmitchell
    Ms. Jessica Muldowney, email: jmuldowney
    Ms. Kelly Rowe, email: krowewlodarczyk
    Ms. Alicia Schiele, email: aschiele
    Ms. Katharine Semple, email: ksemple
    Mr. Sage Shaw, email: sshaw
    Mr. Harry Wiegner, email: hwiegner


    Ms. Katrina Kelly, email: kkelly
    Mr. Jon Kreamer, email: jkreamer
    Ms. Kendra Woywod, email: kwoywod


    Ms. Katelyn Marion, email: kmarion


    Ms. Heidi Abbott, email: habbott
    Mr. Chris Bruno, email: cbruno
    Mrs. Charlotte Chandler, email: cchandler
    Mr. Scott deLone, email: sdelone
    Ms. Sarah Forguson, email: sforguson
    Mr. Dan Hartwell, email: dhartwell
    Ms. Allison Lee, email: jlee
    Dr. Elizabeth Linton, email: elinton
    Mr. Thomas McCormick, email: tmccormick
    Mr. Bryan Moose, email: bmoose
    Mr. Kevin Orlando, email: korlando
    Mr. Tyler Reid, email: treid
    Ms. Marie Schneider, email: mschneider
    Ms. Abigail Schwartz, email: aschwartz
    Mr. Andrew Staub, email: astaub
    Mr. Chris Valle, email: cvalle
    Mr. Zach Young, email: ryoung  


    Ms. Megan Archey, email: marchey
    Mr. Robert Brice, email: rbrice
    Mr. Dan Coley, email: dcoley
    Mr. Dan Ellis, email dellis1 
    Mr. Charles Hutchison, email: chutchison 
    Mr. Bryan Johnson, email: bjohnson1
    Mr. Steve Kernaghan, email: skernaghan
    Mr. Stephen Norris, email:snorris
    Ms. Gerri Okolosi, email: gokolosi
    Mr. Michael Orenshaw, email: morenshaw
    Ms. Taryn Purnell-Bratcher, email: tpurnellbratcher
    Mr. Steve Sobieck, email: ssobieck
    Mr. Stanley Truong, email: struong
    Ms. Jamie Wagner, email: jwagner
    Mr. Charles Wilson, email: cwilson


    Mr. Steven Clark, email: sclarke
    Ms. Elizabeth Diguglielmo, email ediguglielmo 
    Ms. Shanelle Dorsey, email: sdorsey
    Ms. Julie Hertzog, email: jhertzog
    Mr. Rob McMahon, email: rmcmahon
    Mr. Connor Murphy, email: cmurphy
    Ms. Lisa Replogle, email: lrepogle
    Ms. Katie Rickabaugh, email krickabaugh
    Mrs. Barbara Taylor, email btaylor
    Ms. Stephanie Vasquez, email: svasquez
    Ms. Kat Williams, email: kwilliams
    Ms. Shirley Wilson, email: swilson


    Mr. Matthew Arrison, email marrison
    Mr. Joel Cummings, email: jcummings1


    Ms. Alicia Ritz, email: aritz


    Ms. Madelyn Antal, email: mantal
    Ms. Meghan Barlow, email mbarlow
    Ms. Karen Carpenter, email: kcarpenter
    Ms. Laura Donnelly, email: ldonnelly
    Mr. Christian Fischer, email: cfischer  
    Ms. Marion Jackson, email: mjackson
    Mr. Lorenz Lagioia, email: llagioia
    Ms. Kristal Moscharis, email: kmoscharis
    Ms. Grace Perozze, email: gperozze
    Ms. Mary Sweeney, email: msweeney
    Ms. Maya Yoxtheimer, email: myoxtheimer

Main Office Support

  • Mrs. Mariah Kyler, email: mkyler 
    Administrative Assistant

    Mrs. Babette Marchetti, email: bmarchetti 
    Administrative Assistant

    Mrs. Kirsten Leonard, email: kleonard 
    Assistant to the Principal

    Mrs. Stephanie Price, email: sprice 
    Attendance Secretary

Support Staff

  • Athletic Department Secretary

    Jen Ford, email: jford

    Athletic Trainers

    Stephen Franks, email: sfranks
    Jordan Jonas, email: jjonas

    Campus Safety Officer

    Christina Spigarelli

    Career Education

    Dave Robertson, email:drobertson


    Janelle Hoole, email: jhoole

    Counseling Office Assistants

    Sharon MacNamara – Last Names A-K, email: smacnamara
    Karen Pyle - Last Names L-Z, email: kpyle


    Colleen Allen, email: callen
    Heather Bratton, email: hbratton
    Alexandra Donohue, email: adonohue
    Becky Singer, email: rsinger
    Ashley Sullivan, email: asullivan1
    Kathy Teague, email: kteague

    Crisis Counselor

    Candy Jakubowski, email: cjakubowski

    Custodial Staff (Day)

    Sam Cottrell
    Jose Geigel
    Tony Wesley

    Security Greeter

    Kari Brittingham

    Library Assistant

    Connie DiSerafino, email: cdiserafino

    Nursing Staff

    Amy Walsh, email: awalsh1
    Donna Zingani, email: dzingani

    Occupational Therapist

    Laura Fuguet


    Karen Bowers, ELD
    Vince Cialini, Special Education
    Kimberely DiGiandomenico, Special Education
    Kathleen Ericson, ELD
    Yvonne Kalis, Special Education
    Matthew Keenan, Special Education
    Darlene Korenberg, Special Education
    Jeanmarie MacKenzie, Special Education
    Cheryl Paxson, Special Education
    Patricia Piltz, Special Education
    Rosemary Saraceni, Special Education
    Crystal Taylor, Special Education

    Physical Therapist

    Diane Dinan

    Probation Officer

    James Wiggins


    John Thomas

    Speech Therapist

    Angelique Rucci

    Technology Associate
    Grant Cazanave, email: HHSTech_Support@wcasd.net