- Henderson HS
- High School Guidance and Counseling Services - Year by Year
High School Guidance and Counseling Services - 10th Grade
The high school counseling departments of the WCASD offer a proactive developmental program that provides students with age-appropriate information based on their educational needs and goals. In order to accomplish this goal the counselors conduct structured individual, large, and small group conferences and presentations with students in grades 9 -12. In addition to these individual and group conferences arranged by the counselors, students and parents may schedule appointments as needed with their assigned counselor.
Counselors are assigned student caseloads by alphabet, grades nine through twelve. All issues specific to a particular student such as scheduling, course selection, educational and career planning; academic, social and emotional issues are addressed by the counselor of record.
Counselor/Student Assignments
Mrs. Sullivan, asullivan1@wcasd.net Students: A-Cri
Ms. Heather Bratton, hbratton@wcasd.net Students: Cro-Gr
Ms. Morgan Gamble mgamble@wcasd.net, Students: Gu-LeeMs. Colleen Allen callen@wcasd.net, Students: Lef-Pa
Ms. Kathy Teague kteague@wcasd.net, Students Pe-Sma
Ms. Rebecca Singer rsinger@wcasd.net, Students: Smc-Z
Ms.Candy Jakubowski cjakubowski@wcasd.net -Intervention CounselorMr. Dave Robertson drobertson@wcasd.net - Career Education Counselor
Ms, Janelle Hoole jhoole@wcasd.net - School Caseworker
The Counseling Department is supported by an amazing staff of office professionals to whom you can direct your general questions:
Ms. Sharon Macnamara: Secretary to counselors for students whose last names begin with "A-K" (484) 266-3408
Ms. Karen Pyle: Secretary to counselors for students whose last names begin with "L - Z" (484) 266-3407
10th Grade- Sophomores
In late winter the counselors meet with the sophomore class to focus on career exploration. This contact will occur in classroom size groups in Henderson’s computer labs using Naviance, an online career planning program that the WCASD purchased for college and career-bound students. In the sophomore year, instruction centers around updating information in the Courses section and focusing on Naviance's 'Careers' section. Students will take career interest and abilities inventories and explore career clusters also based on activities, personal qualities, and school subjects. The program can be further utilized to access information on careers related to apprenticeships, military occupations, college majors, technical schools, and 2 and 4-year colleges.
Students may use the Naviance in the library or the computer lab during study hall, lunch, after school or at home.
Parents can help their sophomore in the following ways:
1. Continue to monitor academic progress. Academic assistance is offered to all students in the following ways: after-school help from teachers, the Achievement Center, and peer tutoring through the National Honor Society. Your student’s teacher or counselor can help your student access these resources upon request.
2. Continue to encourage your son or daughter to be involved in activities and to develop leadership skills.
3. Encourage your student to use their PSAT/NMSQT results after December (winter break is a good time to do this) to prepare for the SATs. All sophomores and juniors are required to take the PSAT/NMSQT. Information on the PSAT can be found on www.collegeboard.com
4. Discuss your student’s interests and abilities in relation to possible career and college choices. Use Naviance from home with your student. Help him/her set academic and personal goals, and explore careers.
5. Discuss your student’s course selections for the junior year.
6. Continue to update the activity/awards file.