Drama Club

  • Drama Club is for students who enjoy acting, singing, dancing, or for students interested in the technical aspects of theater—art design, lighting and sound, costuming, makeup, and/or stage crew. The Drama Club has its first informational meeting in mid-November, with auditions for actors before Winter Break.  Our show usually runs in late-March. Along with singers and actors, the play offers a great opportunity for students who enjoy art, set and costume design, and stage crew.

    Students work very hard after school to prepare for three weekend performances, as well as a community show and a daytime performances for their peers.  Play practice is held one-four days a week after school depending on the student's play responsibilities. Practices run from 2:20-4:15 in the Fugett auditorium.

    Drama Club is a great opportunity for students to build self-confidence by expressing their creativity and enthusiasm while entertaining others. We hope to see you join us this year!

    Thank you,

    Mr. Hill (Room 229), Mr. Miller (Room 215), Ms. Richards (Room 219)