High School Guidance and Counseling Services - 11th Grade

  • The high school counseling departments of the WCASD offer a proactive developmental program that provides students with age-appropriate information based on their educational needs and goals. In order to accomplish this goal, the counselors conduct structured individual, large, and small group conferences and presentations with students in grades 9 -12. In addition to these individual and group conferences arranged by the counselors, students and parents may schedule appointments as needed with their assigned counselor.

    Counselors are assigned student caseloads by alphabet, grades nine through twelve. All issues specific to a particular student such as scheduling, course selection, educational and career planning; academic, social, and emotional issues are addressed by the counselor of record.

    Counselor/Student Assignments


    Mrs. Sullivan, asullivan1@wcasd.net Students: A-Cri      

    Ms. Heather Bratton, hbratton@wcasd.net Students: Cro-Gr

    Ms. Morgan Gamble mgamble@wcasd.net, Students: Gu-Lee

    Ms. Colleen Allen callen@wcasd.net, Students: Lef-Pa

    Ms. Kathy Teague kteague@wcasd.net, Students Pe-Sma

    Ms. Rebecca Singer rsinger@wcasd.net, Students: Smc-Z

    Ms.Candy Jakubowski cjakubowski@wcasd.net -Intervention Counselor

    Mr. Dave Robertson drobertson@wcasd.net - Career Education Counselor 

    Ms, Janelle Hoole jhoole@wcasd.net - School Caseworker

    The Counseling Department is supported by an amazing staff of office professionals to whom you can direct your general questions:  

    Ms. Sharon Macnamara: Secretary to counselors for students whose last names begin with "A-K"  (484) 266-3408 

    Ms. Karen Pyle: Secretary to counselors for students whose last names begin with "L - Z" (484) 266-3407

    11th Grade - Juniors

    The counseling department will meet with the Junior Class during the second marking period. This large group multimedia presentation will introduce the college search process and timeline as well as other post-secondary options for juniors to consider. The weeks following the junior class presentation will be designated for individual junior conferences. Each counselor will meet with their students individually to discuss their plans for post-graduation whether the student considers themselves to be college-bound or career-bound. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend this conference with their students. Contact your student’s counselor to schedule a time during the school day that is least disruptive to your student’s schedule. Information covered in the junior conference will include a review of the student’s transcript, GPA, class rank, and course selection for the senior year. Using Naviance, counselors will work with juniors on the following:

    • Updating their Courses section, Goals, and Resume
    • College searches using a variety of resources      
    • Financial Aid
    • The college application process     
    • SAT/ACT prep
    • Career planning for college and non-college bound students

    A general time-line for Juniors:


    • Continue or begin involvement in school activities
    • Attend college representative meetings
    • Attend Career Days

    October through December:

    • Take the PSAT
    • Check registration dates for SAT (www.collegeboard.com) and ACT (www.act.org).
    • Register for spring SAT I and SAT II (if required), and ACT. Registration must eb done online.
    • Encourage parents to attend the College Planning Night

    January through February:

    Course selection for the senior year. College-bound students should not adopt a “take it easy” mindset. Colleges want to see that students are following a strong college prep program.

    February through March:

    • Attend the junior class meeting.
    • Attend the individual junior/counselor meeting
    • Research colleges and generate a list of probable schools
    • Call and arrange college visits for over Spring Break

    March through May:

    • Register for May AP test (as appropriate)
    • Take AP tests
    • Attend area College Fairs
    • Visit colleges over Spring Break
    • Begin the application process for U.S. Service Academies and ROTC programs.
    • Contact U.S. Senators and Representatives for nomination procedures/forms, process

    May through June:

    • Ask current teachers if they will be willing to write recommendation letters in the fall. 
    • Access Naviance and college web sites for college search.


    • Include campus visits in summer plans.
    • Call, or e-mail schools for admission applications during the summer.  Develop a list of approximately six colleges - 2 reaching, 2 target, and 2 safety schools.  During the summer begin completing college applications, writing essays, etc.
    • Parents can help their junior in the following ways:

    1. Continue to monitor academic progress. Academic assistance is offered to all students in the following ways: after-school help from teachers, the Achievement Center, and peer tutoring through the National Honor Society. Your student’s teacher or counselor can help your student access these resources upon request.

    2. Continue to encourage your student to be involved in school activities and in the community.

    3. Encourage your student to use their PSAT/NMSQT results after December (winter break is a good time to do this) to prepare for the SATs. All sophomores and juniors are required to take the PSAT/NMSQT. Information on the PSAT can be found on www.collegeboard.com

    4. Discuss college/major/career options. Use Naviance from home with your student to assist you in this process.

    5. Remind your son/daughter to register for the SAT and ACT (if needed) early in the spring. For information on SATs and for registration go to www.collegeboard.com and www.act.org.              

    6. Discuss his/her course selections for the senior year. College bound students should not adopt a “take it easy” mindset. Colleges want to see that students are following a strong college prep program. 

    7. Begin to visit college campuses. To visit a college, call the admissions office in advance to arrange a tour and/or speak with an admissions counselor. Attend area college fairs (published in the August edition of the Counseling Dept. newsletter The Pathfinder available online in the HHS homepage and Counseling Dept. homepage), and meet with college reps who visit HHS throughout the year.

    8. Attend College Planning Night. This is usually scheduled for late January.