Junior Conferences

  • What counselors discuss with juniors in their individual conference.

    In late December, counselors will meet with the Junior class in a large group to introduce the concept of solidifying post-high school plans. Counselors will distribute PSAT score reports and provided instruction on interpreting their results. (Junior Presentation Handout)
    In addition, counselors meet individually with juniors throughout the second and third marking periods for more in-depth guidance and review of their transcripts and senior year course selections. Your student and their counselor discuss post-secondary plans and tools and resources to make the process a smooth one.  Students learn how to research post-secondary colleges, universities, or trade/technical schools using Naviance (an online career and college guidance system) and/or were given resources to make a smooth transition into the workforce from high school.  Parents are invited to use Naviance with their junior by clicking on the 'Colleges' tab.

    Parents are welcome to attend Junior Conferences with their student. Call or email your student's counselor to set up a time during the school day that you can attend your student's conference.