- Mission, History, Goals and Policies
Eradicate institutional racism and inequities through social justice, promoting the emotional development of staff and students, and embracing diverse perspectives.
- WCASD Equity Mission
Equity History and Introduction
Realizing the effects of systemic and structural institutional biases on historically marginalized groups, in 2007, the WCASD began working to provide training for all district employees. The main purpose of the workshops was to “deinstitutionalize racism and eliminate achievement disparities.” After investing in over a decade of training, there was a sense of urgency to analyze the impact of the antiracist workshops and provide a thorough analysis of WCASD equity policy, access, and opportunity to academic achievement for students across the district.
In January 2020, at the bequest of Dr. James Scanlon, previous superintendent of WCASD, the first educational equity audit was completed. Educational equity is grounded in the tenets of justice, fairness, to ensure the correct resources are allocated to each student. Thereby all children are afforded what they need to achieve academic success. Leading the Quality Review was Dr. Robert Jarvis, Director of Delaware Valley Consortium for Excellence and Equity (DVCEE) and Penn Coalition for Educational Equity in the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania.
The DVCEE’s evaluation took a two-pronged approach. The first focused on five domains for achieving educational equity: (1) assessment data and measures of disproportionality (2) recruitment and retention of faculty and staff of color (2) defining equity for WCASD (4) curriculum and organization, (5) parent and community connections with marginalized groups. Secondly, six focused inquiry questions were presented to WCASD District Equity Leadership Team (DELT) that consists of administrators and educators from building equity teams: (1) holistic practices (2) equitable practices and inclusive school culture, (3) tracking, ability grouping, and replacement decision, (4) impact of institutional racism and implicit bias, (5) voices of historically marginalized students and families, (6) professionally development on culturally relevant teaching.
The DVCEE commends the district’s dedication to supporting all students and outlines key findings and recommendations. Central to the concern is for equity to become the lens through which WCASD views the world and undergirds all decision making. To provide a coherency in this document, the DVCEE recommendations are paired with each of the five strategic plan goals. The report details the recommendations that have been adapted; recommendations that are committed to future action, and recommendations that have not yet been considered for future actions.
- The DVCEE report can be read here: DVCEE full report
- A PowerPoint presentation from Dr. Una Martin providing an update on WCASD's equity work can be accessed here: Equity Audit Update - February 2023
Equity Priorities
Develop an Equity Action Plan
The 2022-23 Equity Action Plan for the West Chester Area School District focuses on conducting root cause analysis at each of the school buildings. To learn more, review the Equity Action Plan Presentation from Dr. Una Martin.
For an update to this plan presented in the 2023-24 school year, review the September 2023 Equity Goals Presentation from Dr. Una Martin.
Discipline that Emphasizes Corrective Measures
The WCASD believes that discipline is the connection between our priorities and achieving our mission. As we continue to revise our approach to disciple, we will leverage the corrective measures noted in board policy 218 and 218AG1.
To that end, starting in the fall of 2023, students who receive disciplinary infractions that are categorized as level 1, 2, or 3 offences will be provided with corrective behavioral strategies in addition to receiving the prescribed consequences outlined in the behavioral policy handbook.
Launch the Community School Partnership for Mentors and Tutors
The Community School Partnership of Mentors and Tutors was created to support any student in the West Chester Area School District who needs assistance to access, maintain, and, sustain their passion for academic success. To learn more about this program, visit the Community School Partnership of Mentors and Tutors page.
Equity Goals
- Teach an inclusive curriculum that teaches anti-racism, celebrates differences, promotes understanding, and seeks multiple perspectives.
- Promote a positive school climate in which students feel safe, respected, and appreciated.
- Provide on-going professional development to all staff in all aspects of equity.
- Engage staff, students, parents, and community members in our work.
- Provide equitable access to district programming.
Policies and Procedures
Program Policies
- Nondiscrimination/Discriminatory Harassment - School and Classroom Practices (Policy 103)
- Title IX
- Special Education (Policy 113)
- Gifted Education (Policy 114)
- Career and Technical Education (Policy 115)
- Current Events (Policy 119)
- Homework (Policy 130)
- Language Instruction Educational Program for English Learners (Policy 138)
- Migrant Students (Policy 142)
- Student Services (Policy 146)
Employee Policies
- Employment of District Staff (Policy 304)
- Employment of District Staff (Policy 304)