Counseling and Mental Health Professional Services Guide

  • Counseling and Mental Health Professional Services Guide

    A comprehensive resource manual for parents, students, and staff to fully access all Counseling and Mental Health Services and Staff
    Melissa Kleiman - Director of Pupil Services:
    Kate Coulter  - Assistant Director of Pupil Services:  
  • View Important Parent/Student Counseling Mental Health Resources
  • Call the 988 Suicide & crisis lifelineSafe 2 Safe Something

Concerned for a student's welfare? Need to make an anonymous tip?

  • Click here to access Safe 2 Say Something Information

  • Safe2Say Something Informational Brochure

  • How to Submit a Tip by Phone

  • How to Submit a Tip on the S2SS App

  • How to Submit a Tip from the S2SS Website

  • Recognizing Warning Signs, Signals and Threats: What to Report

  • Safe2Say Something FAQ