Connectivity Issues with Schoology & Zoom

  • Monday, March 30, 2020

    Dear Students and Parents,

    One2One and the HelpDesk have received numerous requests for support logging into Zoom and Schoology. Please know that you should not try to download and install the Zoom application. Instead, you access your classes on Zoom through the web browser. Here are the directions: Student Directions for Zoom

    If you are experiencing issues accessing Schoology please check the status of operation here: Schoology Status

    Status updates represented by a color other than GREEN indicate a connectivity issue outside of the District's control.  If everything is green and you are still having an issue, please contact, or

    Also, please know that schools across the country are conducting online instruction due to COVID 19 closures. Systems such as Schoology, Zoom, and even our network are under unprecedented stress. Please be patient. Our tech support team is handling all inquires as quickly as possible. We know you, your families, your teachers, all of us are experiencing stress and frustration because we all want to do what we can to get through this while supporting your education. Please be patient.

    Thanks very much and my best wishes to you and your family.

    Michael Wagman
    Director of Information Technology

two laptops with icons of programs