- FAQS - Product Substitution and Allergies
Food Services
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FAQs: Supply Chain Product Substitutions and Allergies 2022-23
1. What food services do the West Chester Area School District offer students this school year?
2. What are national supply chain issues, and how have they impacted the WCASD food service program?
As the long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to impact food manufacturers and distributors, their ability to develop, package and distribute products amid labor shortages and material costs have resulted in widespread food shortages and varying product availability.
While the WCASD food services program is working to limit the impact of these issues on our community, we have needed to make menu modifications without advance notice. These changes can result in differences between the monthly printed menu, what is shown online, the nutritional information displayed in Nutrislice and the actual items being served on a given day.
3. How does WCASD prevent food allergy reactions and manage dietary accommodations?
We strive to make sure that all of our students have a safe, inclusive eating environment and work with school staff, families and students to prevent food allergy reactions. Our approach to maximizing allergy prevention includes:
- Encouraging students to wash their hands before and after eating
- Limiting cross-contact of possible food allergens
- Maintaining communication with school nurses and families to recognize student allergies
- Training staff to recognize allergic reactions
To read more about our allergy policies, procedures and prevention methods as well as materials for ordering a substitute meal, please visit the Allergy Policy/Procedures page.
4. Where are the most up-to-date menus and nutritional information?
Due to national supply chain issues, widespread food shortages and varying product availability, we recommend speaking with school nurses and school cafeteria managers or checking our menu and nutritional information online rather than consulting monthly printed menus as these are subject to change. Online menus and nutritional information can be accessed on the WCASD website on the Food Services Department page or visiting Nutrislice directly through the app or at https://westchesterpa.nutrislice.com/.
Although we are committed to updating our online menus and Nutrislice in a timely manner, we may not always be able to incorporate day of or immediate substitutions and encourage you to reach out to our food services team and school staff with any concerns and to receive updated product information, especially if your child has a severe allergy or dietary need.
5. Who should I contact if I have questions about food allergies, medical conditions, dietary restrictions, updated product information or require additional assistance?
In addition to the school nurses within your child’s building, the school cafeteria manager and WCASD food service offices will be able to offer answers to any questions and help you ensure your child receives a nutritious meal. For a complete list of the school cafeteria managers and WCASD food service offices’ contact information, please visit the Food Services Contacts page.